Challenges of Urban Sustainability - AP HuG Study Guide 2024 | Fiveable (2024)

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Introduction Problems


Urban sustainability refers to the ability of a city or urban area to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Ensuring urban sustainability can be challenging due to a range of social, economic, and environmental factors. Some of the challenges that cities and urban areas may face in achieving urban sustainability include:

  • Limited resources: Urban areas can place significant demands on natural resources, such as water, energy, and land, which may be in limited supply.
  • Pollution and environmental degradation: Urbanization can also contribute to environmental problems such as air and water pollution, and the loss of green spaces and natural habitats.
  • Traffic congestion and transportation: Urbanization can lead to increased traffic congestion and a reliance on private vehicles, which can contribute to air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Poverty and inequality: Urbanization can also lead to the concentration of poverty in certain neighborhoods or areas, which can have negative impacts on the health and well-being of residents and create social and economic disparities.

To address these challenges, cities and urban areas may adopt policies and practices that promote sustainable development, including through the use of renewable energy, the promotion of public transportation, and the protection of natural resources.


Land use and environmental problems linked to the expansion and decline of urban communities include suburban sprawl, poor sanitation, air & water quality, remediation & redevelopment of brownfields, farmland protection, and energy use.


A brownfield is a property that is potentially contaminated by hazardous substances, pollutants, or contaminants. Brownfields are often abandoned or underused industrial or commercial properties that may pose a risk to human health and the environment. The presence of contamination on a brownfield site can make it difficult to reuse or redevelop the property for other purposes, such as for housing, businesses, or public amenities.

The cleanup and redevelopment of brownfields can present significant challenges, including the need to assess and address any environmental contamination, the costs associated with cleanup and remediation, and the complex regulatory framework that may be involved. However, the redevelopment of brownfields can also bring about economic, social, and environmental benefits, such as the creation of new jobs, the provision of new housing or business opportunities, and the revitalization of urban areas. Governments and community organizations may work to promote the cleanup and reuse of brownfields through various means, such as financial incentives and technical assistance.

Suburban sprawl, or suburbanization, is the growth of cities outside of the major urban area. Suburbs grow in the galactic city model due to the interstate highway and the availability of goods outside of the major city, referring to Central Place Theory.

Central Place Theory

Central place theory is an economic theory that explains the spatial distribution of urban settlements and the patterns of trade and commerce within a region. The theory was developed by economist Walter Christaller in the 1930s and has been widely used to understand and analyze urban land use and settlement patterns.

Central place theory is based on the idea that settlements, or central places, are established in a region in order to provide goods and services to the surrounding area. These central places are ranked according to their size and the range of goods and services that they offer, with larger, more diverse central places serving a larger market area. The theory predicts that central places will be spaced at regular intervals within a region, and that smaller central places will be nested within the service area of larger ones.

Central place theory has been influential in shaping urban planning and policy, and it continues to be an important tool for understanding and analyzing urban settlements and economic activity. However, the theory has also been subject to criticism and revision, and it is not a comprehensive or universal explanation of urban form and behavior.

Cheaper land costs allow families to have more room for the American dream ‐ a single family home. The effects of suburbanization are declining central city use, uneven development, declining park space, and pollution as suburban and urban sprawl both continue. One effect of suburbanization is placelessness; this is the feeling that you are in the same place wherever you go because the landscape is hom*ogenous like we discussed in Unit 1. For example, a strip mall with TGI Friday’s, Walmart, and Hot Topic looks the same in Minneapolis as it does in Houston. This conflicts with the sense of place that humans have imprinted onto our cultural landscape.

Sense of Place

The concept of a "sense of place" refers to the emotional and psychological attachment that people have to specific places, as well as the meanings and values that they ascribe to those places. A sense of place can be shaped by a variety of factors, including personal experiences, cultural and social influences, and the physical characteristics of a place.

A strong sense of place can contribute to a sense of belonging and community, and it can be an important factor in people's well-being and happiness. It can also be an important aspect of a place's identity and character, and it can influence how people use and interact with their environment.

There are many ways in which people can develop a sense of place, including through personal experiences and connections with a place, through cultural and social traditions, and through the design and physical characteristics of a place. Governments and community organizations may work to enhance a sense of place through initiatives such as placemaking, which aims to create public spaces that are functional, attractive, and meaningful to the people who use them.

Another consequence of suburban sprawl is the encroachment on land used for agriculture and other green spaces. As developers look for new places to locate new housing projects, they clear the forests and brush. They also buy farmland and push the farmers even farther out of the urban zone making it harder to sell their goods.

In developing countries, these areas outside of the city‐center are called slums, ghettos, and shantytowns. It is a district of a city marked by poverty and inferior living conditions like the disamenity sectors. In Brazil, they are known as favelas. In Peru, they are known as barriadas. In either country, these areas are a mixture of people, many who take part in the informal economy. Some are squatter settlements, where they just put up a homemade structure on a piece of land and occupy it, while others pay rent to owners who allow them to stay in the precarious housing situations. Some have access to water and electricity, and others do not.

Squatter Settlement Examples

Here are a few examples of other squatter settlements from around the world:

  1. Kibera, Nairobi, Kenya: Kibera is one of the largest squatter settlements in Africa, with an estimated population of over 200,000 people. It is located in the capital city of Nairobi and is known for its high levels of poverty and lack of basic services such as electricity and clean water.

  2. Orangi Town, Karachi, Pakistan: Orangi Town is a large squatter settlement in the city of Karachi, Pakistan. It is home to over one million people and is known for its lack of basic services and infrastructure.

  3. Dharavi, Mumbai, India: Dharavi is one of the largest squatter settlements in the world, with a population of over one million people. It is located in the heart of Mumbai and is known for its densely packed and poorly constructed homes.

  4. Neza-Chalco-Itza, Mexico City, Mexico: Neza-Chalco-Itza is a large squatter settlement on the outskirts of Mexico City. It is home to over one million people and is known for its lack of infrastructure and basic services, as well as the high levels of pollution and environmental degradation caused by the many informal industries that operate within it.

The municipalities have a hard time keeping up with the growth, and some cities don't even try to keep up. These people are also some of the most vulnerable to environmental catastrophes such as floods, tsunamis, and earthquakes as they can easily destroy their fragile homes. The severe lack of infrastructure means that there will be high levels of pollution and low levels of air and water quality. Below is a picture of a shantytown in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Challenges of Urban Sustainability - AP HuG Study Guide 2024 | Fiveable (1)

Source: Latin America Bureau


A shantytown, also known as a squatter settlement or informal settlement, is a neighborhood or community where people live and build their homes without legal permission or claim to the land. Shantytowns are often found in urban areas and are characterized by a lack of infrastructure, basic services, and legal recognition. They are often overcrowded and have poor living conditions, with residents living in makeshift homes made of materials such as cardboard, plastic, and metal.

Shantytowns can be found in many countries around the world, particularly in developing countries where there is a shortage of affordable housing. They are often home to low-income families and individuals who are unable to afford to rent or buy formal housing. The lack of legal recognition and basic services in shantytowns can create a number of challenges for residents, including lack of access to education, healthcare, and employment opportunities.


: Agriculture is the practice of cultivating plants and rearing animals for food, fiber, medicinal plants, and other products used to sustain life.

Air Quality

: Air quality refers to the condition or cleanliness of air relating to the amount of pollutants it contains.


: Barriadas are squatter settlements found in the periphery of Latin American cities. They're typically populated by impoverished individuals who construct their own homes from scrap materials.


: Belonging refers to the feeling of being accepted and included in a particular social, cultural, or geographical group. It's about feeling secure and comfortable with one's identity within a certain context.


: Brownfields are abandoned or underused industrial and commercial facilities where redevelopment is complicated by environmental contamination.

Central Place Theory

: The Central Place Theory is a geographical theory that seeks to explain the number, size and location of human settlements in an urban system. It was introduced by Walter Christaller in 1933.

Cleanup and Remediation

: This refers to the process of removing pollutants or contaminants from environmental media such as soil, groundwater, sediment, or surface water.

Commercial Properties

: Commercial properties refer to buildings or land intended to generate profit from capital gain or rental income. They include shopping centers/malls, offices buildings and hotels among others.


: A community is a group of people living in close proximity who often share common values, interests or characteristics. Communities can be defined geographically (like neighborhoods) or socially (like online communities).


: Contaminants refer to any physical, chemical, biological or radiological substances that have an adverse effect on air, water, or soil.


: Developers are individuals or companies that coordinate all activities converting ideas on paper into real property. They create new buildings or renovate existing ones.

Dharavi, Mumbai, India

: Dharavi is one of Asia's largest slums located in Mumbai, India. Despite its poverty-stricken status, it has a thriving informal economy with industries such as pottery-making and leather tanning.

Disamenity Sectors

: These are areas not connected to city services and under the control of drug lords or gangs. They are often characterized by high levels of poverty and crime.


: Earthquakes are sudden shaking movements within parts of the earth's crust caused by the release of built-up stress along geological faults or by volcanic activity.

Economic Benefits

: Economic benefits refer to advantages or profits gained from something in monetary terms. They could include increased revenue, cost savings, job creation among others.

Energy Use

: Energy use refers to the consumption of energy or power. It's how societies utilize various forms of energy for different purposes such as heating, transportation, electricity, and industrial processes.

Environmental Benefits

: Environmental benefits refer to improvements in the natural environment due to certain actions or policies, such as reduced pollution or conservation of natural resources.

Environmental Catastrophes

: Environmental catastrophes are severe events caused by environmental factors that cause significant harm to people and/or the natural world. These can include natural disasters like hurricanes, earthquakes, or man-made disasters like oil spills.

Environmental Degradation

: Environmental degradation is the deterioration of the natural environment through depletion of resources such as air, water and soil; destruction of ecosystems; habitat destruction; extinction of wildlife; and pollution.


: Favelas are specific types of low-income informal settlements found in Brazil. They are often located on the outskirts of cities and lack basic services such as sanitation and electricity.

Financial Incentives

: Financial incentives are monetary rewards offered to encourage specific behaviors or actions, such as tax breaks for businesses that hire veterans.


: Floods are an overflow of water onto normally dry land, often caused by heavy rainfall, melting snow, or dam failure.

Galactic City Model

: The Galactic City Model or Peripheral Model describes how an urban area consists of an inner city surrounded by large suburban residential and business areas tied together by a beltway or ring road.


: A ghetto is part of a city in which members of a minority group live, typically as a result of social, legal, or economic pressure.

Green Spaces

: Green spaces refer to areas of grass, trees, or other vegetation set apart for recreational or aesthetic purposes in an otherwise urban environment.

Hazardous Substances

: These are materials that pose a risk to the health and safety of humans or the environment. They can be toxic, explosive, corrosive, flammable, infectious, or radioactive.

Housing Projects

: Housing projects refer to publicly subsidized residential buildings provided by the government for low-income families.

Industrial Properties

: These are properties used for industrial purposes such as manufacturing, production, research and development, storage and distribution of goods.


: Inequality refers to uneven distribution or imbalance in conditions such as wealth, opportunities, privileges among different groups in society.

Informal Economy

: The informal economy refers to economic activities and income that are partially or fully outside of government regulation, taxation, and observation. This includes unregistered businesses, under-the-table transactions, and black market trade.

Informal Settlement

: An informal settlement refers to residential areas where housing has been constructed on land that the occupants have no legal claim to or which they occupy illegally.


: Infrastructure refers to the basic physical and organizational structures needed for a society to function, such as roads, bridges, power lines, water supply systems, schools, hospitals etc.

Interstate Highway

: An interstate highway is a network of controlled-access highways that forms part of the National Highway System in the United States. They are designed for high-speed vehicular traffic, with all entrances and exits regulated.

Kibera, Nairobi, Kenya

: Kibera is one of the largest slums in Africa located in Nairobi, Kenya. It is characterized by high population density, inadequate access to clean water and sanitation, and widespread poverty.

Land Use

: Land use refers to how land in a certain area is used or managed by humans - whether it's used for agriculture, housing, industry etc.

Limited Resources

: Limited resources refer to the finite amount of natural or human-made assets available for use.

Makeshift Homes

: Makeshift homes are temporary structures built by individuals or communities using available materials, often in response to a crisis such as homelessness, displacement due to war or natural disasters. They are not intended for long-term use and may lack basic amenities like running water or electricity.

Market Area

: A market area, also known as a trade area, is the geographic zone containing the people who are likely to purchase a firm's goods or services.

Natural Resources

: Natural resources are materials or substances occurring in nature which can be exploited for economic gain. They include water, soil, minerals, forests etc.

Neza-Chalco-Itza, Mexico City, Mexico

: Neza-Chalco-Itza is a massive informal settlement or slum in Mexico City, Mexico. It's one of the world's largest slums and is home to millions of people.

Orangi Town, Karachi, Pakistan

: Orangi Town is a densely populated slum area located in Karachi, Pakistan. It's known for its self-organized sewage and sanitation system.


: Overcrowded refers to a situation where more people are living within a single dwelling than there is space for, resulting in conditions that hinder health and comfort.


: Placelessness refers to locations or environments that lack unique characteristics and appear generic or hom*ogenous due to globalization and commercialization.


: Placemaking is a multi-faceted approach to the planning, design and management of public spaces that capitalizes on a local community's assets, inspiration, and potential with the intention of creating public spaces that promote people's health, happiness, and well-being.


: A policy is a course of action adopted and pursued by a government, party, business, or individual.


: Pollution refers to the introduction of harmful materials into the environment. These harmful materials are called pollutants and can be natural, such as volcanic ash, or created by human activity, such as trash or runoff from a factory.


: Poverty refers to the state of being extremely poor, with a lack of basic human needs such as food, clean water, clothing, shelter, health care and education due to insufficient income or resources.

Public Spaces

: Public spaces are areas that are open for all people to use. These can include parks, marketplaces, streetscapes - any place where people have free access.

Public Transportation

: Public transportation refers to the system of transport that is available for use by the general public, typically managed on a schedule and operated on established routes.

Regulatory Framework

: A regulatory framework refers to the system of regulations and the means used to enforce them. They are usually established by governments and are intended to guide businesses and companies in their operations.

Renewable Energy

: Renewable energy comes from sources that are naturally replenished on a human timescale such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves, and geothermal heat.


: Sanitation refers to public health conditions related to clean drinking water and adequate treatment and disposal of human excreta and sewage.

Sense of Place

: Sense of place refers to the emotional attachment or personal identification one has with a specific location due to its unique characteristics, experiences, and memories associated with it.


: A shantytown is an area in a city that is characterized by substandard housing and squalor, often built informally and illegally.


: A shantytown is an impoverished area in or around a city characterized by substandard housing and squalor, often built informally and illegally.


: A slum is a densely populated urban area characterized by substandard housing, poor sanitation, and generally impoverished living conditions.

Social Benefits

: Social benefits are the total gains to society, including both private and external benefits. They can be tangible (like improved health) or intangible (like increased literacy rates).

Squatter Settlements

: Squatter settlements are residential areas where dwellings are built on land that the occupants have no legal claim to, or occupy illegally.

Strip Mall

: A strip mall is a type of shopping center common in North America where the stores are arranged in a row along a major road.

Suburban Sprawl

: Suburban sprawl refers to the spread of suburbs, or suburban areas, into surrounding rural land. This is often characterized by low-density housing and commercial development, and can lead to a variety of environmental and social issues.


: Suburbanization is a population shift from central urban areas into suburbs resulting in the formation of (sub)urban sprawl.

Sustainable Development

: Sustainable development is an approach to growth that meets present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It focuses on balancing economic advancement with environmental protection and social equity.

Technical Assistance

: Technical assistance refers to the provision of expertise and knowledge that assists in solving problems or improving performance, particularly in developing countries. This can be in various fields such as agriculture, health, education, and economic development.

Traffic Congestion

: Traffic congestion refers to the condition on transport networks that occurs as use increases, and is characterized by slower speeds, longer trip times, and increased vehicular queueing.


: Tsunamis are large ocean waves generated by major disturbances beneath the ocean floor like volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, or landslides.

Urban Planning

: Urban planning involves designing and organizing urban spaces including infrastructure, public areas, transportation systems etc., aiming at improving quality of life in cities.

Urban Sustainability

: Urban sustainability refers to the ability of an urban area or city to maintain itself without depleting its resources, while also minimizing its impact on the environment and promoting social equity.

Walter Christaller

: Walter Christaller was a German geographer known for developing the Central Place Theory in 1933. His work has greatly influenced urban geography and regional science.


: Well-being refers to the state of being comfortable, healthy or happy. It encompasses physical health as well as mental/emotional health and satisfaction with life circ*mstances.

Challenges of Urban Sustainability - AP HuG Study Guide 2024 | Fiveable (2024)
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