Generation Calculator (2024)

Welcome to the most convenient generation calculator! Are you curious about which generation you belong to but don’t want to answer a lot of questions? Look no further!

Our calculator only requires one piece of information – birth year – and it will tell you which generation you or your ancestor belong to with just a click.

From the Arthurian Generation to Generation Alpha, each generation has its unique characteristics and experiences.

Discovering which generation you or your ancestor belong to can give you a better understanding of yourself and the world around you.

Our calculator is easy to use and only takes a few seconds to complete. Simply input your birth year, and our advanced algorithm will determine which generation you belong to.

It’s that simple!

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(DESKTOP USERS ONLY. We will roll out this tool for mobile devices shortly.)

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Generational Evolution: From Arthurian to Generation Beta

Arthurian: 1433 to 1460

The Arthurian generation, spanning from 1433 to 1460, witnessed the enduring allure of the legendary tales of King Arthur and his noble Knights of the Round Table. These stories held a firm grip on the collective imagination of people during this era, inspiring a deep fascination with chivalry, honor, and grand adventures. From noble households to humble cottages, the allure of the Arthurian legend touched hearts across all social strata, creating an enduring legacy that continues to resonate even today.

Humanist: 1460 to 1482

The Humanist generation, which flourished from 1460 to 1482, marked a profound shift in intellectual and cultural pursuits. During this time, scholars and thinkers embraced the teachings of classical antiquity, celebrating human potential and individuality. The Humanists sought to revive the values of reason, logic, and the pursuit of knowledge that had been championed by ancient civilizations such as Greece and Rome. Their ideas sparked a wave of intellectual curiosity and artistic creativity that would shape the Renaissance period, leaving an indelible mark on the course of history.

Reformation: 1483 to 1511

The Reformation generation, spanning from 1483 to 1511, was a time of profound religious and social upheaval. Martin Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses in 1517 ignited a movement that sought to challenge the authority of the Catholic Church and reform its practices. This period saw the rise of Protestantism, as individuals began to question established dogmas and seek a more direct relationship with God. The Reformation generation witnessed intense debates, conflicts, and transformations in religious beliefs and practices, which would ultimately reshape the religious landscape of Europe and have far-reaching consequences for centuries to come.

Reprisal: 1512 to 1540

The Reprisal generation, from 1512 to 1540, was a time of retaliation and vengeance in the wake of the Reformation. As religious conflicts escalated, Catholics and Protestants sought to assert their dominance and restore what they believed to be the rightful order. This period witnessed acts of violence, persecution, and retribution as each side sought to defend their faith and suppress opposing beliefs. The thirst for reprisal fueled a cycle of brutality and suffering, leaving scars that would take generations to heal. It was a dark chapter in history that served as a stark reminder of the fragility of religious tolerance and the destructive power of fanaticism.

Elizabethan: 1541 to 1565

The Elizabethan generation, spanning from 1541 to 1565, was a period of cultural and artistic flourishing in England under the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. This era is often regarded as a golden age of literature, with renowned playwrights like William Shakespeare and Christopher Marlowe captivating audiences with their masterful works. The Elizabethan period witnessed a surge in exploration and trade with advancements in science and technology. It was when England emerged as a major European power, both politically and economically. The reign of Queen Elizabeth I brought stability to the nation.

Parliamentary: 1566 to 1587

The Parliamentary generation, from 1566 to 1587, was marked by a shift in power and the emergence of a more representative government in England. During this period, Parliament gained increasing influence and asserted itself as a counterbalance to the monarchy. This era saw the rise of parliamentary debates and discussions, where members voiced their concerns and opinions on matters of governance. The notion of checks and balances became more prevalent as Parliament sought to limit the authority of the crown and ensure the rights and liberties of the people.

Puritan 1588 to 1617

The Puritan generation, spanning from 1588 to 1617, was a time of religious upheaval and intense moral fervor in England. Fueled by their desire for religious purity and a rejection of what they saw as the corrupt practices of the Church of England, the Puritans sought to establish a society based on strict moral codes and strong adherence to their interpretation of the Bible. This era was characterized by a wave of religious dissent and a growing divide between those who supported the established church and those who championed Puritan ideals.

Cavalier: 1618 to 1647

The Cavalier generation, from 1618 to 1647, brought about a stark contrast to the preceding Puritan era. It was a time of extravagance, creativity, and a renewed appreciation for the arts. The Cavaliers, known for their loyalty to the monarchy and love for all things luxurious, embraced a more carefree and hedonistic lifestyle. They were indulgent in their pursuits, be it poetry, music, or fashion. The royal court became a hub of glamour and sophistication, as the Cavaliers reveled in their privileged status and celebrated the finer things in life.

Glorious: 1648 to 1673

The Glorious Era, spanning from 1648 to 1673, was a turning point in English history, marked by significant political and social changes. It was a period of tremendous transformation and upheaval, with the events that unfolded reshaping the course of the nation.

The Glorious Revolution of 1688 played a central role during this era. It signified the triumph of parliamentary power over absolute monarchy and marked the beginning of a new chapter in English governance. The revolution saw William of Orange ascend to the throne alongside his wife Mary, overthrowing King James II.

Enlightenment: 1674 to 1700

The Enlightenment era, spanning from 1674 to 1700, was a time of intellectual awakening and the pursuit of knowledge. It was a period characterized by a shift in thinking, as people began to question traditional beliefs and embrace reason and scientific inquiry.

During this time, scholars and philosophers sought to understand the world through observation, experimentation, and rational thought. They challenged religious dogma and advocated for the application of reason in all aspects of life. The Enlightenment thinkers emphasized the importance of individual liberty, human rights, and equality.

Awakening: 1701 to 1723

The Awakening era, spanning from 1701 to 1723, was a period of cultural and artistic revival in England. It was a time when new ideas and perspectives flourished, leading to a renaissance of literature, music, and philosophy.

During this era, there was a renewed interest in exploring the depths of human emotions and the complexities of the human experience. Writers delved into themes of love, loss, and personal growth, creating works that touched the souls of readers.

Liberty: 1724 to 1741

The Liberty era, spanning from 1724 to 1741, was a time of fervent pursuit of personal freedoms and civil liberties in England. Building upon the foundations laid during the Enlightenment and Awakening eras, this period witnessed a burgeoning desire for individual rights and democratic governance.

Citizens became increasingly vocal in their demands for freedom of speech, expression, and assembly. They called for transparent and accountable government institutions that would serve the interests of the people rather than succumbing to the whims of absolute monarchy.

Republican: 1742 to 1766

The Republican era, spanning from 1742 to 1766, marked a significant shift towards advocating for republican ideals in England. Inspired by the democratic movements of other nations, intellectuals and activists began to challenge the very notion of monarchy and pushed for a government that represented the will of the people.

During this period, discussions about political participation and the distribution of power gained momentum. Prominent figures emerged, championing the belief that a republic would best serve the interests of all citizens.

Compromise: 1767 to 1791

The Compromise era, spanning from 1767 to 1791, brought forth a spirit of negotiation and reconciliation in England. As the nation grappled with political tensions and societal divisions, there arose a pressing need to find common ground and seek solutions that would benefit all.

During this period, political leaders recognized the importance of compromise and sought to bridge the gap between different factions. They understood that to move forward as a unified nation, it was necessary to set aside personal agendas and work towards a shared vision.

Transcendental: 1792 to 1821

The Transcendental era, spanning from 1792 to 1821, represented a period of philosophical exploration and introspection in England. Inspired by the ideals of individualism and self-reliance, thinkers and writers emerged who sought to transcend the limitations of traditional societal norms and institutions.

During this period, there was a growing emphasis on personal freedom, spirituality, and the pursuit of knowledge. Transcendentalists believed in the inherent goodness of humanity and advocated for a society that encouraged intellectual curiosity and self-expression.

Gilded: 1822 to 1842

The Gilded era, lasting from 1822 to 1842, marked a period of rapid economic growth and technological advancement in England. As the nation embraced industrialization and urbanization, it also witnessed a stark divide between the rich and the poor.

During this time, there was a prevailing sense of materialism and a focus on wealth accumulation. The term “gilded” was used to describe the superficial appearance of prosperity that masked underlying social problems. While some enjoyed immense wealth and luxury, others struggled to make ends meet.

Progressive: 1843 to 1859

The Progressive era, spanning from 1843 to 1859, was a time of social and political reform in England. It was characterized by a desire for change and improvement, particularly in areas such as labor rights, women’s suffrage, and education.

During this period, progressive thinkers and activists fought for equality and justice. They recognized the need for governmental intervention to address societal issues and championed reforms that would benefit all members of society. Their efforts paved the way for significant advancements in social welfare and human rights.

Missionary: 1860 to 1882

The Missionary era, spanning from 1860 to 1882, was a time of religious fervor and global outreach in England. It was marked by a strong belief in spreading Christianity and Western values to other parts of the world.

During this period, missionaries embarked on journeys to distant lands, eager to convert indigenous peoples to Christianity and introduce them to Western customs. These missionaries played a significant role in shaping England’s colonial policies and the spread of British influence across the globe.

Lost Generation: 1883 to 1900

The Lost Generation era, spanning from 1883 to 1900, was a time of disillusionment and social upheaval in England. It was characterized by a sense of disconnection and loss among the younger generation, who felt disconnected from traditional values and societal norms.

During this period, a group of writers and artists emerged who expressed their discontent with the state of society through their works. They portrayed themes of alienation, moral decay, and the futility of war. This generation sought to find meaning in a world that seemed increasingly fragmented and devoid of purpose.

Greatest Generation: 1901 to 1927

The Greatest Generation era, spanning from 1901 to 1927, was a time of resilience and sacrifice in England. It was marked by the incredible strength and determination displayed by individuals who lived through the turmoil of World War I and its aftermath.

During this period, young people answered the call of duty and bravely fought on the front lines, while those at home supported the war effort through various means. Their selflessness and unwavering commitment to their country became a defining characteristic of this generation.

Silent Generation: 1928 to 1945

The Silent Generation, encompassing the years 1928 to 1945, was a time of resilience and perseverance in England. It was characterized by a sense of stoicism and restraint in the face of difficult circ*mstances.

Coming of age during the Great Depression and World War II, this generation witnessed firsthand the devastating effects of economic turmoil and global conflict. They learned to make do with less, adapt to challenging circ*mstances, and find strength within themselves.

In many ways, the Silent Generation lived up to its name. They carried on their duties quietly and diligently, often sacrificing personal aspirations for the greater good.

Baby Boomers: 1946 to 1964

The Baby Boomer generation, spanning from 1946 to 1964, was a time of immense growth and change in England. Born in the aftermath of World War II, these individuals came into a world filled with optimism and opportunities.

As the economy flourished and technological advancements surged forward, Baby Boomers witnessed unprecedented progress and prosperity. They embraced new cultural movements, challenged societal norms, and paved the way for social change.

Generation X: 1965 to 1980

Generation X, spanning from 1965 to 1980, was a time of transition and adaptation in England. Coming of age during a time of political and social upheaval, this generation experienced the aftermath of the Baby Boomer era and faced unique challenges of their own.

With the rise of globalization and rapid technological advancements, Generation X found themselves navigating a rapidly changing world.

Millennials: 1981 to 1996

The Millennial generation, born between 1981 and 1996, emerged during a time of immense technological advancement and globalization. They started to experience the technology in more depth, witnessing the rise of personal computers, the internet, and mobile devices. This technological revolution shaped their formative years and influenced the way they interacted with the world around them.

Generation Z: 1997 to 2010

Generation Z, born between 1997 and 2010, grew up in a world that was hyper-connected and constantly evolving. As the first truly digital natives, they were exposed to technology from a young age and became adept at navigating the digital landscape with ease.

With social media platforms becoming an integral part of their lives, Generation Z became the driving force behind social and cultural changes. They championed causes such as climate change, gender equality, and mental health awareness, utilizing the power of online platforms to amplify their voices and bring about tangible change.

Generation Alpha: 2011 to 2024

Generation Alpha, born between 2011 and 2024, is the newest generation to emerge in our ever-evolving world. As we enter a new decade, Generation Alpha is growing up in a time of unprecedented technological advancements and global challenges.

From a young age, they are exposed to smart devices, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and other cutting-edge technologies that were once considered science fiction. With these tools at their fingertips, Generation Alpha is poised to be the most technologically savvy generation yet.

But it’s not just technology that sets them apart. Generation Alpha is also growing up amidst pressing global issues such as climate change, political unrest, and economic inequality. Unlike previous generations, they are not just passive observers of these issues; they are actively engaged and demanding action.

With access to information at their fingertips, Generation Alpha is more informed and aware than ever before. They are not afraid to speak up and challenge the status quo. Social media has provided them with a platform to voice their concerns, connect with like-minded individuals, and organize movements for change.

While technology plays a significant role in their lives, Generation Alpha also values human connection and social interaction. They understand the importance of empathy and compassion.

Generation Beta: 2025 onwards

Generation Beta, born from 2025 onwards, is set to inherit a world shaped by the transformative power of Generation Alpha. As the torch is passed on from one generation to another, it is clear that Generation Beta will build upon the foundation laid by their predecessors.

Just like Generation Alpha, Generation Beta will continue to navigate a rapidly changing technological landscape. However, what might set them apart is their innate adaptability – they will be quick to embrace new advancements and seamlessly integrate them into their daily lives. With artificial intelligence becoming more advanced and automation reshaping industries, Generation Beta will be at the forefront of this digital revolution.

But it’s not just technology that will define Generation Beta. They will also inherit the same pressing global issues that their predecessors faced. Climate change, political unrest, and economic inequality will continue to demand their attention and action.

However, what might distinguish Generation Beta is their collective determination to find sustainable solutions to these challenges. They will leverage their deep understanding of technology and information to innovate and create positive change. With a strong sense of social and environmental responsibility, Generation Beta will work towards a more equitable and sustainable world for all.

Generation Calculator (2024)
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Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.